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- 4 ways to overcome imposter syndrome of getting ahead of your dreams
Imposter Syndrome literally is Doubt resulting from negative self talk. We doubt ourselves all the time, in different areas of our life. I am focusing on doubt in the context of our dream business, projects or career. Imposter Syndrome is also known fraud syndrome. It is a psychological condition that convinces people to doubt themselves, especially their abilities and achievement. I believe there are a whole number of factors that comes into place. This blog post is going to focus on your mindset, I believe most doubt pushing us away is The Mindset we have catergorized on how our senses receive information and process those information to our effect. It happens from data collection, perception and memory linking us to certain life experience we have witness, from sight or experience. Types of Imposter Syndrome you might have experience The Five Types of Impostor Syndrome According to researcher Dr. Valerie Young, there are five impostor forms namely: The Perfectionist: It entails believing that, unless you were completely faultless, you could have done better. The Perfectionist mindset and behavior lead you to believe that you are not as good as others think you are, unless you are perfect. The Expert : The expert doesn't know everything. Their characteristics include being knowledgeable about a specific subject or topic, as well as not having mastered every stage in a procedure. They don't consider themselves to be "experts" because they believe still they have a lot to learn. The Natural Genius : In this form of impostor syndrome, you may feel like a fraud simply because you do not believe you are intrinsically educated or competent. If you don't get something perfect the first time or take longer to learn a talent, you may feel like an imposter. The Soloist: It's also easy to feel like an imposter if you had to seek assistance in order to achieve a certain level or status. Because you couldn't get there on your own, you doubt your own skills and ability, with this you belong to this type of imposter. The Super person: This type of imposter syndrome involves believing that you must be the hardest worker to reach the highest levels of achievement and, if that does not happen, you see yourself are a fraud. Overcome Impostor Syndrome Understand that is from the mind All the different impostor forms you might fall under, I would like you to inform you that these experience comes from the mind, encounters and experience happening to you. Due to the fight to overcome that, there is a need to tackle the problem from your mind and understand that this is coming from the mind. Fight all the information you take into the body, be it from yourself and coming from people. You can overcome it by finding the true fact affecting you to think and hence stopping you not to work on your dreams. Know the cause When you search on any search engine for this question " How to overcome imposter syndrome?" you will get over a million blog posts, and articles outlining over ten of thousands tips to help you out. I mean do this and do that, but, per my experience and what I believe in regard this syndrome. All the recommendations are true, but to solve or overcome it you will need to know your cause. How did the imposter came out? Why are you experiencing this? This is not to push you to dwell on the past, but pave the way to find the root cause and link you to how to overcome that. if you are able to identify how it started in the first place you will know whether to rely on your strength or stop the comparism and many more. I don't want you to be a jack of all remedies to imposter. Identify the cause and link it to solutions to help yourself out. Journalize Writing your breathing of your heart and mind unto a paper or a notebook is journaling. When you experience impostor syndrome, pour your thought on paper assisted with daily prompts will move you to overcome doubt or imposter. Also, it will help to empower your emotions and thoughts since you are releasing all your emotions and worries on a paper which allows you to examine those thought after a release on a paper. Assuming, you wanted to start a project, but each time an impostor comes in and convince you that you are not ready. These words speaks to you all the time " I am not ready" When you write your thought inside a journal, with prompts which delve deep on the imposter. After daily or weekly time with your journal, and reviewing of thoughts written in the journal. You will discover how bad you thought about yourself and felt for a period of time. This will convince your to take the action to assist yourself overcome it. Listen to podcast Podcast is one way we can upgrade our lives and personal growth and development. It is another medium to learn from health, educational, and self-improvement podcasts. There are a lot of podcast in the category of self improvement to upgrade your life with. Listen to them and apply all the actions you hear on it to help you move. Conclusion What is your takeaway on impostor? Would you like to control your life?
- Upgrade your creativity
Everyone have ideas and are innovative if you believe. According to research, one of the reasons why people don't create and work on their ideas is they don't believe in the power of their ideas. They believe they are not creative enough like their peers. There is a misconception on certain rules of how any artefact, project or anything related to creativity must look like which should not be so. Creativity is all about creating anything that comes from your imagination, therefore don't let anyone judge you or inform you that your creative result should move in one particular way. You are the master of your image which must be brought alive. The view in your mind on ideas must flow to bring meaning. How you must look out on creativity from today You are unique Each one of us is unique in our own way. Whatever ideas coming from your imagination is different from the imagination of other people. We are not the same even if you have the same creative power. You have your own creative eyes which you see and convince you to turn these images into idea. Your idea is the best of the kind. When you hear people speak about their ideas, be it business ideas or project ideas. You often hear this which gladdens your heart that " this is the best idea" Some years back, I was saying similar until I realize this. There is nothing like best idea out of countable number of ideas. Every idea is best. It depends on how you use it to bring meaning to you and the society. It only best idea when you identify when, where and how it can be used to bring significant meaning to people. You are a creative individual. Do you know that you have a lot of potentials inside of you? Each on of us on the planet Earth if I might say has potential, creative potential for that matter. You have the power to be creative. It is all about believing in your abilities and your readiness to learn and apply it. You can be creative when you start working on them. You want to be creative right? There is one thing for sure, in order to be seen as creative you must believe yourself as a creative person. There is a need to start working on it. You can harness them when you work on them anything these mental images introduces inside your mind or brain. Record your creative images through journaling anytime it pop in your mind, meaning each time you should have a journal with you to record it or record it using mobile phone or tablet with a help of notetaking apps. This is first step to encourage you to utilize them in your life, and the more you do this exercise, it then becomes part of you. Conclusion I hope you have grab something regarding your creativity. Do you believe you are creative?
- 3 Podcast episodes to help you master your emotions
Emotion is a big thing and everything we do in life. According to Britannica, Emotion is a complex experience of consciousness, bodily sensation, and behaviour that reflects the personal significance of a thing, an event, or a state of affairs. Emotions can make people relate to other people well and can control people. Its mastery can allow you to live a better and happier life. Before I recommend three episodes of Elevate with Brigitte Podcast I would like to open the floor for the importance of Emotional Mastery. Why you need to master your emotions? You can master your emotions and gain these benefits: #1 Better decision in your life Emotions can make people to make unnecessary and unhealthy decisions that affect them and others too. Due to lack of its mastery, people not able to make the right decisions for the fact that they are led by their emotions to make decisions which have big implications now or the future. Due to emotions, someone might try to commit suicide, or speak ill to people they love. But, when you understand yourself and how your feelings comes to you at anytime. You can live better with yourself and others too. #2 Emotional Mastery can help you to overcome grudges Grudges hmm, They do hurt and painful to remove from your mind and heart too especially coming from people you love and trust, then they lead you astray. It feels you have to let it stay in your heart and never let it go out of your being because of the level of love you for them. Sometimes doing this, might cultivate the mindset of revenge in you. When you are able to understand your emotions, and people, why they do certain things in life, I guess you will never bother yourself to keep those bad feelings in you. Keeping these pains will affect you negatively in life and never let you move forward in whatever you are doing emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. # Accept yourself Emotional Mastery assist you to accept yourself in whatever you do in life. This create better relationship you have with yourself and others. To be good at it, you need to understand who you are, why you do certain things in life, why some days you have good moods and other days you have bad moods. Discover how strong your emotions are, when someone speak negatively to you, How do you react to them? Understanding yourself and the effect of your actions when you react emotionally will help you decide on the bad effect you engage in when you communicate with people around you. When you realize the negative actions you do in regard to your emotions, don't decline yourself from accepting the truth about how you behave. Accept it and change for the better, and for change to happen you need to accept that you have a problem you face which you don't like in life. 4# Emotions can help you live better and happier with others Emotional intelligence is all about knowing yourself, accepting your flaws and making change to what matters emotionally. This is not only about you but people around you too. People can say certain things that can hurt you to the core, but how can you behave to them? Knowing how and why people behave mentally and emotionally, can help you to understand them and react to them better without getting hurt with their words. You can speak to someone in the morning nicely and then they reply badly to you. If you are not carefully, you will store this in your mind and heart, and react bad to them negatively when they are not aware of it or plans never to draw near them. Understanding why they always have bad mood in the morning, can help you live better with yourself and others too. Learn how to live positively with people even when they hurt you. This is all building your emotions up. This will bring the peace you need in life with people. Its like you don't want to follow the negative tune regards to the emotions of people at the workplace or any other place you find yourself. Episodes on Elevate with Brigitte that can help you master your emotions Habits and Addiction This episode is about how emotions can lead people to develop habit that can create addiction in their lives. The one number cause why people engage in addiction is emotion, how they see themselves, and what they think the society must relate to them, it can be worry, belonginess, care, love, betrayal, trust issues and many more leading people to be carried away due to their emotions to do certain things in life. How to overcome negative emotions Our emotions is everything to us. It can lead us to make the right and wrong decisions at the same time. With this episode, I highlighted how emotions are formed, why we engage in negative emotions and many others you can do to escape yourself from negative emotions when they come to you. Listen to it to learn more. How to write and rip negative emotions out Negative emotions is not needed here, there is an urgency to build yourself up and never let it control your thought and the way you do things in your life, otherwise it will hurt you. This episode talks about one practice you can use to clear all the bad thoughts which can lead to negative emotions inside of you, which will affect you from living a better life. Find out more in this episode. Conclusion What negative emotions will you like to clear from your mind and heart? and why these emotions?
- 3 myths about creativity in life that stops you.
You have heard a lot of stories about being creative which makes you always think twice if you can ever be called a creative person. This blog post will help you identify the myth and truth behind the myths regarding creativity. Myth 1: Creativity is only for artists This myth is mostly heard a lot around where accolades are given to people because others around them think they are creative because they are fond of making wonderful artefacts such as painting, drawing, singing, spoken words etc. In fact, it is noted that creative people are those who are artist and are using their creative imagination for fun or to make a living. This is not true, you can be a business executive who create better strategies to solve problems and be term as creative. You don't need to be an artist to do that or be term as such. This is creativity, it is when you create new initiative which of good value to yourself and people around, if you are able to create new innovation, initiative to make life better that is creativity not other way around. Myth 2 : People are born with it. When it comes to creativity, people think they must be born with it in order to do that, the art of creating. Though some people are born with creativity as a trait in the family tree, if you have heard or seen this, in one person, it does not mean all people who engage in the art of creating values are born with it. This is all about your mind power, if you decide to learn how to be creative, you can be as you wish. With this, it requires a little bit of experimentation; your ability to create new ideas by experimenting, don't stop yourself when you feel like creating even if it looks bad, pour it out. Use the power of ideation to help you create better meaning to your concept or initiation. By the time you realize, you have become a creative person you always wish for. Therefore if you want to become creative, be ready to learn no matter the situation. Myth 3 : Creative people are genius You have heard and have a notion that ' creative people are genius' they have a better IQ than the rest of people around them. Being creative does not mean your images, initiative, innovation or artefact must be all smooth, thus, all perfect. This is not so, with creativity, any concept you bring out from your head unto a paper or to people usually comes in a raw state which needs to be refind to make it better. Creativity is all about trying new initiative which can end on the bad side or the good side. It is all about trying to make it better, and the more you learn from it, and try again, you become better at it. If you want to be seen or identified as a creative and genius person just learn the habit of trying, learning and applying. Conclusion Do you have any creative thought in mind? What would you like to do with it?
- What Is Addiction recovery? A personal touch to sobriety
When I first decided to attend a 12-step meeting I didn’t really have any desire to change. I had a lot of really bad habits that caused me a lot of trouble, but I was completely unaware that my drinking was the cause. I still believed that all the consequences to my behaviour was somehow somebody else’s fault. The Journey to sobriety and recovery The only real desire I had was to get everyone off my back and for people to give me a break. “I’m just having fun” is what I would always say. As I was attending to try and prove a point to people, I was starting to see that alcohol really was a problem for me. But the thought of quitting drinking forever still seemed a bit too extreme. Maybe I can just learn to calm it down a little bit. That wasn’t on offer in the meetings I was attending. All or nothing. Back out on the lash or total abstinence. I decided to give the teetotal method a go, how hard can it be? Well let me tell you, it’s a lot harder than I thought it would be. I worked with a mentor who showed me how to work through the 12-step program. And eventually the obsession to drink left me. I initially thought that the definition of recovery was simply to not drink alcohol or use illegal drugs. This would seem like a logical thought process. Drugs and alcohol were destroying my life so if I’m not using them anymore then I’m ok, right? Wrong! Developing a positive mindset and attitude towards addiction and recovery I’ve been sober for over 10 years now and in that time I’ve had many ups and downs. I’ve still caused problems and suffered consequences to my actions without picking up a drink or a drug. Addiction isn’t so much about the substance we are using at the end of it. Its more to do with the behaviour we are portraying and why we are behaving that way. There seems to be a big emphasis within the 12-step recovery model on not drinking, and for how long. Like somehow the number of days determines how good you are at recovery. This is an illusion fed to a newcomer to make them believe that the people who have been there longer are somehow better. I’ve come across people in the rooms of 12 step recovery meetings who are around 15 years without a drink. From the outside, looking in, this would seem to be amazing but this person in question was behaving full of ego. Using his sober time to place himself on a pedestal above the people with less sober time as him and then manipulating those people to do things to create situations that benefitted him. The newcomer hears how long this person has been sober and based on the big number they put blind faith into this person believing they have his best interests in mind. I had to step away from this form of recovery as I was seeing good people being damaged to the point of a relapse due to people hiding behind the number of years, they hadn’t had a drink. They hadn’t recovered and they were not acting sober. It’s not that I don’t believe in this method of recovery. The mechanics of the process is perfect. What it does to free your mind of the damage you caused is amazing. I just don’t have much faith in some of the people who attend without behaving like they are a changed person. Almost like they are now just addicted to the levels of trauma that walk through the door and the ability to use this to give themselves some sort of God complex. This is just as bad behaviour as someone who is drinking. Probably worse, its classic predatory behaviour. So the definition of recovery is not simply to put the drink down and not get drunk anymore. Complete recovery is much deeper than this. You have to challenge your behaviour and question your motives on a daily basis to make sure you are not doing things that will cause hurt and pain to anyone else. It’s a daily battle in the mind of the addict between good and evil. The bad habits of an addict go way beyond the use of drink and drugs. They can manifest in everything we think and do. But if you know this, you can be aware of it, and keep fighting the good fight. Learn more about my addiction and me here
- Why do I write: A journey to meaning and impact
Wondering why I do write? Let me tell you. Though I love writing but didn't even cross my mind that I wanted to be a writer and or an author. In my debut book, Win You I wrote how I discovered and found my purpose and passion. It took me years of the eagerness of purpose to look out for it. I didn't find it. One day, I went to a conference organized by the local church in my neighborhood on how to find our passion. I was eager for this thing called passion, so I had to go. Do you know I was among the first attendees who arrived at the venue first? Yes, since I needed this information I didn't want to waste time at all. As the conference was going on, I took my pen and notebook to grab all the points I needed. As I listened, I self-examined the question they asked whilst the conference was going on. What a blessed day! Now what, the meeting has ended. As I left the venue to my house, I ask myself this question " How do I make this information I gathered at the conference work in my life? A lot of thought came to mind " You know this isn't easy", " How can you find yourself?" then I said to myself " to able to work on my passion, I have to self - introspect to get answers. From that day forth, each day I visited the notebook to recollect and examine myself with it. As I performed my daily activities, I took the opportunity to be self-aware of my actions. Then I found it. I found my passion in the advisory industry. On the same day as the conference, a friend was celebrating his birthday, so I decided to write something special for him on his birthday, I wrote a wonderful piece for him. Even with this special moment where I thought I could write just the piece I wrote for him. It didn't cross my thought that this action was part of my interest. The reflection of this passion came to me when I started the self-awareness process. Also, I started reading books especially personal development books. After I fully discovered and invested in my passion. I decided that if I have a passion for writing too, why don't I help others to find theirs too because there are many people just like me who want to find their passion too. The struggle wasn't easy, I mean the writings, the imposter syndrome, writers' block, and many more Finally, my debut book is out. Win You, An Introspective journey of finding yourself knowing your potentials and harnessing them for greater heights and ultimate success is out. It has been on the book market since April 2021. Writing to impact people is still my mandate and I'm working on other books to impact people also. Enjoy and Impact. Discover more about the author and her books
- The Twelve Steps of Soul Searching: A guide to sobriety and recovery
“The person in recovery must identify their problems and get a clear picture of how their behavior affected themselves and others around them.” -verywellmind Getting into a self-destructive habit when I knew the consequences, spoke volumes — I am now ready to listen. The advantage that seemingly enticed me to smoke for the first time ever, was that it was going to help me escape my reality. ‘what was so bad about my reality, that I needed to escape by exposing myself to a highly addictive, possibly destructive habit?’ It can be summed up with one word: Lack. All the good things I needed, but did not have, were tormenting my mind, even when I denied their importance to me. I lacked the discipline to stick to a goal from start to finish. Then came the inevitably guilt, that an escape gladly replaced, but it was a vicious cycle. The guilt always returned stronger, after the high wore off. Meanwhile, the high kept getting weaker as the habit of escaping got firmer. That called for a deepening of this habit, and a growing monster called guilt — it was hurting me, yet I kept feeding it. She was a girl who was not showing up for herself in her world; she deferred her important life choices to others, who did not care that much about her, like she should have. No wonder, she needed to escape. The pain of watching those she trusted show her clearly, that they really did not care that much, especially the pain of knowing she was not valuing her own life (knowing but too numb and low in spirit, to do anything about it), was more than enough call for an escape. That did not stop the consequences from getting to her by the way, for the consequences of our actions do not care how justified the cause of our actions were. The paranoia, and low self-esteem that comes from long-term addiction to any substance abuse, is a whole message. It speaks to the fact that deep down, no one wants to be anti-social. The same way no one is perfect is the same way, no society is perfect, so it was unwise to nitpick issues with society, and decide to cut myself off from the “crowd”. Admitting this hurts my ego, but grounds me on the path of recovery. Getting mad at those who cared enough to try pressuring me into stopping my self-destruction, was the height of blind stubbornness. At this point in my recovery, I see that it was fear that caused them to act out; they were the ones who actually cared, and it’s not surprising at all, that they are the people most proud of my recovery now. Soul searching is a difficult thing that brings me face-to-face with my shadow — all those parts of me that I’ll love to deny exists, but they do. It makes me sick, but if I stay a bit longer, there’s healing at the end. I know there will be a kind of knowledge impacted to me, that will make it mightily difficult to visit the wrong actions of my past. Therefore, here I am; a naked soul before the telescope of my own objectivity. Dear Reader, Thank you so much for using your precious time to read this piece from me. It was written with heart and soul, and hope you enjoyed it. If you did, do consider checking out my debut book, in the link down below. Stay blessed. https://www.amazon.com/HER-DIARY-SOBRIETY-Journey-Recovering-ebook/dp/B08VNSS5FP
- Finding Happiness: How to smile again in times of struggles and bad encounters?
Chess. Have you smiled today? Why? Or are you sad because of the challenges you are facing? Life is an adventure we do know nothing about what will happen. It is filled with ups and downs, ugly experiences, and exciting experiences but still we have to keep it going. Don't let the challenges, trials, or situations you are facing deprived you of your happiness. Just smile at your problems. Now, I want you to discover something special about yourself. It's time to SMILE. You will learn why you should smile and how to smile when you face a challenging time. Smiling is part of our emotions, we exhibit it to show our inward feeling on ourselves, things we see in the environment, and the experiences we encounter every day. It is showcased on your face. Our facial experience tells it all. How do we smile? We all smile in our lives, if you have not done it before I guess you did it once in a lifetime. We all smile. We smile by lifting our cheeks up with or without showing our teeth, creating a geometry line between the cheeks and the nose. Smiling is a conscious action of the body. Like the one shown in the image below. It is usually seen when someone is happy or in laughter mode. Why you don't want to smile? A close friend once told me Brigitte, Have you ever be annoyed before? I smiled at her, yes, absolutely, I do get annoyed sometimes. I believe a smile on your face changes everything for you and someone near you. I personally believe in the saying, ``just smile``. Why have you decided not to smile? if I would guess, it might be a big blow of challenges that hit you. You never expected to be experiencing this behavior. Here you are with a blow of serious challenges. I know it hurt and was painful. Never know how you are going to get out of it. Sleepless nights of worry, blaming yourself, and crying with a notion that it might bring a stop to your plights or reduce it a bit. All your actions to change the situation were to no avail. I don't know exactly why you decided not to smile at people. An experienced lead to that, right? I will give you the comfort you need in your life. If your minimal smiling is due to the experiences you have been through. I wanted to crack jokes with a friend of mine. Anytime I do so, she doesn't smile or laugh. It's hard for her to smile or laugh at certain things. This can be her way of life due to some encounters and experiences, especially negative experiences. She hardly smiles even if certain things need to be laughed at or smiled at. Whatever might be the cause of not giving room to smiles to yourself and others. I believe there is a root problem associated with this. You know you don't just wake up one day and say, I won't smile again. There is the reason why you decided that you have to embark on this, not to relates with yourself and people around you with this gesture. The message I have for you regarding this is, you can smile again even in challenges The Benefits to gain when you smile. #1 Smiling Elevates Mood The act of smiling elevates our mood. Our smiles are part of the mood identification type which falls under happiness. Notably, when you smile it represents happiness. Our smiles express how we are feeling to others and the people around us. It expresses our joy and elevates how we are feeling in communicating with others and ourselves. #2 Reducing Ageing According to science, smiling reduces the chances of aging. It relaxes the facial muscles to smoothen most wrinkles on the surface of the skin of the face, therefore, muscles found on our face are able to relax making one have younger facial quality. #3 Reduces Pain Imagine the pain you are going through now, suddenly someone appears and behaves making you laugh and smile, resulting in the relief of your pain a bit. Sometimes, we might experience unhappy days suddenly a friend said something to you which made you laugh. You will take a load off your pain when you smile. Just smile, don`t let the struggles overshadow your day. Smile. #4 Smiles increase the immune System Being happy boosts the immune system through the release of dopamine which increases our level of happiness and excitement. It activates the antibodies in the body to be stronger since the body has left the state of negative affectivity thereby increase your chances to fight disease and live longer. #5 Smiling is contagious People often refer to, draw close to individuals who smile and are lively because a regular smile can be contagious and translate the habit to another through repeated actions and experiences. If you are near someone who looks sad every day you intend to copy their behavior through pity and with the law of attraction. Be an agent of transformation to someone out there through your smiles. What you can do if you want to smile this time when you face challenges. Understand that situations are never permanent and that they are just passing through your life. Time changes. Anything can change for you. Redefine your life what exactly you can do in life. Determine and genuinely list activities of priority in your life. Do you always wish you want to be sad always? I believe no. In reality, it's the opposite. List your future goals. Discover what makes you happy. Everyone has a code of happiness that actually makes them happy. Find out for yourself. Close your ears from comparison. Stop comparing yourself to others. Know that you are unique no matter what. What makes your closest friend happy can't be the same as yours. Be satisfied with what you have. Look to yourself. Stop the inadequacy. Stand in the mirror, affirm strongly, positively, and show a high level of courage and believe in them. Do this daily. Start smiling... See these challenges as opportunities in disguise. Smile each day, continue smiling Do and share something. Do and share something you show interest in. It might be your hobbies, job, chatting with friends. Just practice them with love. Share the interest with others if you discover that you love certain hobbies, share with loved ones, don't hesitate to continue with this. Go forward and smile. Share and Smile. Are you ready to take a bold step to smile again? Thank you for reading this post. Share this post with loved ones who might need this. Like, share, and comment to impact someone out there.
- Do you struggle with Mental Health? Important things to know about Mental Health
Whether an illness affects your heart, your leg, or your brain, it’s still an illness, and there should be no distinction.” — Michelle Obama Why Mental Health is a must in personal development Mental health is a condition of the brain that causes a disturbance in your emotions, thinking, or behavior. Your mental health matters and should be a top priority! I am an advocate of proactively educating and supporting individuals when it comes to issues involving mental health. Mental health can sometimes be a taboo subject and I believe it is something that needs to be discussed more often being that only half of adults and children suffering from it get treated because of the stigma attached to mental health. I can’t stress this enough especially today with all the things I see people going through and the things I’ve dealt with. We get so caught up in the day-to-day tasks of working and taking care of our families, everything, and everybody, that we put ourselves on the backburner and completely forget about the concept of self-care and mental health. I think it is important to be intentional about the care and well-being of yourself…mental, physical, and emotional health, and the things you let into your mind and body. It is important to mind our thoughts especially during tough times. This should be considered because we tend to internalize experiences and things, we expose ourselves to without even realizing it and these things can have either positive or negative effects on us. As an individual who has experienced anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts, it is okay not to be okay, but don’t go through it by yourself because even if you feel like you can’t go to family, you are never alone. Please seek help and reach out to someone because somebody is always willing to listen and help you get through. Due to my past experiences with battling with my mental health, I now see a therapist and it has been life changing! Does that mean something is wrong with me. NO! There is absolutely nothing wrong with seeking therapy and receiving assistance with navigating difficult feelings and emotions and learning tools and techniques to develop coping strategies to deal with the stressors of everyday life and traumatic experiences. Learning these tools and techniques inspired me to begin studying psychology to learn more about the mind and human behavior and how to assist individuals in this area. Discover more on my experience with Don't take it personal! sis, Essays of an introvert When mental health issues are left untreated, it causes a decline in the quality of life for the individual and everyone around them and affects relationships, school, work, and many other aspects of life. If you or anyone you may know are experiencing mental health issues, have signs of depression, anxiety, or other mental issues... take action! Offer them your support and encourage them to seek professional help. In extreme situations, treatment of mental illness could be the difference between life and death. Would you love to take action or help someone? The decision is yours! I hope you enjoy this content. Like, Share and comment.
- 5 Quotes from the Win You Book purposely to grow your mental state.
Win You : An introspective journey of finding yourself, knowing your potentials, and harnessing them for higher heights and ultimate success is a personal development and self-help book into self-discovery and identity. It is all about winning the internal aspect of yourself before you can win other things around you. Win You is to win big and win yourself. This book has an aspect of mental information to grow your mental power and here are five quotes that can guide your inner power and grow your state mentally. The mind is made with you in mind. The mind is so powerful that it can make the best out of the worst or the worst out of the best, so use it well. Fear is the state of the mind not the state of the menance. When the mind is weak, situation is a problem, situation becomes an opportunity when the mind is strong. Imagination makes it possible to experience a world inside of you. Discover more about Win You here
- Four Basic things to consider when choosing a Business Name
I guess you are looking up for a name for your business. Yes, I got it. You need a name for the new business idea, which means you want to start afresh or you have already commenced the business but would like to change the business name. Don't worry, I got your back. You will discover the basic element to look out for, when developing a business name that lasts. A business is an entity providing products and services to satisfy its customers in exchange for money, trust, values, and many more related to the business world. Any action with relation to the exchange of value for products or services is a business be it a profit-making organization or non-profit organization is noted as one, a business. I have had people ask me how do I choose my business name. ''I have all plans to skyrocket this business idea of mine but I am stuck. Don't know what to do?'' Here are four things you should consider before giving your business a name. Don't just pick a name. This is how you do it. Mission and vision of a Business What is the mission and vision of the business? What is the driving element that persuaded you to start planning on the business in the first place? Know where you want to go and how you want to drive the business too. No one is going to tell you this is the M&V for your prospect business. Start planning, think critically about yourself and why you got the idea to start a business in the first place. If your business is a company involve your board of directors to decide on the best mission and vision statement for your firm. If it is also a partnership, involve your partner in the decision of your M&V. You can also consult a Business Consultant / Coach to guide and help you out. Target Audience of your Business Who are the main reasons why you are bringing this business out? What problem are you solving for the target audience? Do you know their taste and preference? If you don't. Find out. Niche down your target audience. Assuming you planed of producing a clothing line. It is your duty to find who your customers are, what are their tastes on the proposed product. Niche them down. Don't make it open. Start by serving customers in a small niche area like satisfying the needs of pregnant women. This is done by producing attire for pregnant women. This will help you to produce a product range which the market wants and after you have gain ground in the market, you can open wide the niche a little more. Add plus-size clothing and other clothing specialized for women. Know your customers. Know your demographic. Know your market segmentation. Product or Service A Business Name comes into play by considering the product and services you will be producing and or rendering. What is the type of product you will need to have on board if your business is new? Or what are the portfolio of products and or services in your firm`s name? Take into account the composition of the product and why this product. Acknowledge the initiative other competitors are doing in your niche market. Don't copy. The Brand you want to establish Brands are not all about colors, logos. It requires a name, the internal affairs of the business, and what comes out of the business for viewers to see. When you start a business, people are watching, when it grows your firm gets noticed in whatever it does. Customers, competitors, and other stakeholders are watching. What impression are you giving to people especially customers to identify you as? What image are you creating when they mention your business name. Brands also represent products the firm brings on board. Choosing names that can be noticed by stakeholders is important. As soon as they mention your business name, everyone knows what your firm is, what it does and values it instill to others, and a lot more. When you mention Facebook, Amazon, Tesla, Microsoft, Paypal everyone knows it, and what it does. Let me put it this way, most people know who these listed companies are, Google, LinkedIn, Barclays, Nestle, KPMG, Bain and Company, PWC and many more. Your brand is not just about the beautiful logo but the name you give it and the brands they bring onboard serving different types of customers and the value they send across. Don't think Google is "Google" because of only the name. There are a lot of internal and external steps and initiatives they execute that are recognized by all. These basic things are the fundamentals that need to be set right before you decide on the business name. As you plan on the business name, think about these four elements before you develop one. Don't just give any name to your business because you like it. Critically, Assess it before you do so. Like, Comment, and share if you love it.
- 5 Ways to support someone with Breast Cancer.
We all have loved ones; those we cherish. As I always say life is never smooth nor rough is a mixture of both paths. Circumstances can leave people we love in fear, pain, and blame ourselves for why these things happen to them. According to Center for Disease Control and Preventions Breast cancer is a disease in which cells in the breast grow out of control. There are different kinds of breast cancer. The kind of breast cancer depends on which cells in the breast turn into cancer. Breast cancer can begin in different parts of the breast. A breast is made up of three main parts: lobules, ducts, and connective tissue. The lobules are the glands that produce milk. The ducts are tubes that carry milk to the nipple. The connective tissue (which consists of fibrous and fatty tissue) surrounds and holds everything together. Most breast cancers begin in the ducts or lobules. Breast cancer can spread outside the breast through blood vessels and lymph vessels. When breast cancer spreads to other parts of the body, it is said to have metastasized. Discover the Kind of Breast Cancer here Symptoms of Breast Cancer A lump in the breast or underarm. Irritation of the breast area Redness of the skin in the nipple area. Pain in the nipple area. Swelling of part of the breast Size of the shape of the breast changes. Pain in the area of the breast. When you experience these signs or a loved one complains She experience this, kindly visit a doctor. Kindly note that breast cancer can affect males too. 5 ways to support a loved one who is experiencing that : Visit them Frequently There is nothing more to show support than you care. The joy of seeing you in their trial moment is a relief for them. Call and visit them frequently to exhibit an ever-loving bond between you too. It is beautiful and brings a smile to their face when they believe all hopes are gone but your presence makes them feel you are with them even in the pain. They smile and are happy because their healing process has started with a good gesture that it is possible. Have Conversations and listen to them Give them a listening ear. When they speak listen to them because this informs them of the care you have for them. At least, someone believes in them even in their pain and plight. Bring a conversation that will make them smile . Always remember your comfort bring them closer to healing. Help them with Chores When you visit them in the house, Help them with the house chores such as sweeping, scrubbing the bathroom, many other chores you discover they find a hard time doing. Even if they can do it, just help them out. Its a reliever. Buy them gift Suprise them. Give them a thoughtful surprise especially the ones they love, hope for but have not got access to, for a very long time. Since you are near them, you know their favorite things such as games, hobbies, and many others you think can bring joy in their hearts when they see it. Motivate The power of your mouth is great. Motivate and encourage them to believe in themselves and have faith in themselves that things are going to change. The words you say can change the energy level in them to good. Conclusion: Which of the four ways would you like to start first? Share your support.