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  • How to change circumstances with a book?

    You wondering if this is possible. Yes, it is. The circumstances you face now can be changed with a book. You can do it because others did it too. You can do it only by reading, taking notes, and utilizing them. You can read any book and benefit from it more especially when you read non-fiction books since they are based on facts and life experiences, you can learn from the experiences and encounters of others. Join me and let me show you how. Here are some of the benefits of reading a non-fiction book. Reading upgrades the Brain Generally, when you read books it strengthens connections in the brain which improves learning and memory. It is noted that a brain that reads books lives longer and also serves as food for the brain. You will learn about facts of life When you pick a nonfiction book you will have the opportunity to learn about facts in life. Grab and self-assess the experience people and or the writer or Author has experienced and pick lessons from it. This can be in a form of memoirs, self-help books, business books, psychology books, religious or spiritual books, and many more. Decision-making skills are developed Apart from learning from the life lessons of others, you are able to exhibit the skills of problem-solving, decision making skill because you give yourself the chance to learn from their experience, then the mind makes suggestions on how to solve similar problems relating to the message from the book. Develop creative abilities I usually develop my creative skills and initiative when I read books. This happens to me when I read self-help, business book, psychological books, and religious book. I then take the time to create ideas as I read. It allows my imagination abilities to come out fully, so, it increases the brain's ability to create new ideas. In fact, with Non-fiction books, there are numerous benefits you can gain but these are just a few, I can say. How to benefit and change circumstances with a non-fiction book. Getting the right book at the right time is the best option you can do to support your life. Now, How do you transform your life from zero to hero? Let get on it. Be eager you want to read The first step you have to do is to prepare your mind that you are ready to change your circumstances around. Programme the mind for change. The mind is you because you have absolute control of your life. Scan your life Assess your life and discover which type of books you need. What area would you like to change or upgrade? You know what you want so find it out. Let say you have difficulty saving money, so with this, you will need money management books, or have a problem with keeping your timing right, then you should search for books on time management or productivity books. Picking the right resources that suit your needs Get the right resources at the right time. With books, there are whole a lot of book distribution platforms such as Amazon, Kobo, Apple Books, Barnes and Nobles, Scrid, Blinkist, and many more. Sometimes, you might get confused with the right books that suit your problem or desire, but book bloggers and Book influencers can help you out because they give recommendations, Book reviews, quotes, and advice the authors send across. They can help with the right books for you. These are some examples of influencers that can help out, Bookthinkers, powerbybooks, bookreadersclub,bookmattic all on Instagram. Prepare yourself Prepare yourself. Get a notebook aside where you can grab the information when you need them. This will help you write down all the tips, advice, quotes from the book regarding the points the author made inside the book. It also serves as an avenue for reference to be used to solve the problem of why you bought the book. Get your pen or a bookmark read. Use a pen to write your points and a bookmark to remind you where you left so that you can continue anytime you pick it up instead of starting the whole book again. Locate your reading venue. Pick a location where you think it will be suitable for you to read. A serene environment will pave the way to grab more information into your brain. it can be your couch, bed, chair, library or garden. Know the right location that can help you. Read and take note As you read, take note. You can also use a highlighter to highlight the important point you want to note down. You can also use sticky papers to write all the quotes you have from the book and organise them according to topic types. Each day after reading, go through your notes. Pick reading schedules. if your reading schedule is to read daily, stick to the plan and if you can not meet it you can reschedule to different days of the week in order to read them. Go through your notes when you are done. Reading will help you memorize them and stick to the mind. Prepare the mind you want to start using it. Start using them. For all these initiatives to be effective in your life. There is a need to utilize it in your life. After reading the desired book, take a closer look at your life. Set goals again, initiate systems that will make it work, and ensure you work with it. Introducing a book to you Win You; An Introspective journey of finding yourself knowing your potentials and harnessing them for greater heights and ultimate success is a personal development book that will give you all the information you will need to turn circumstances around, aside from this you will be inspired as well. Reasons why you need a copy of Win You Win You provide all the tips and advice to you if you purposely want to utilize your potentials to greatness because you are given the avenue to redefine your identity and discover yourself really well and push you to stand upright tall in what you do. You will develop a habit of self-love and learn how to solve personal issues relating to fear, worry, anxiousness and many more. Also, you will be enlightened on the power of the mind and how to use it well covering how to use imagination well, understand others and yourself and influence others too. and last but not the least, it guides you on how to start pursuing your passion and use them to achieve your dreams in life. There are more to come in Win You; An Introspective journey of finding yourself knowing your potentials and harnessing them for greater heights and ultimate success. Bonus. You are given the space to write your thoughts and the lessons you have learned from the book. Meet the Author Brigitte Adofo Agyapong is the Author of Win You An Introspective journey of finding yourself knowing your potentials and harnessing them for greater heights and ultimate success. Her Books has readership in 12 countries across America, Asia, Africa and Europe and counting. She is a Business consultant and a Podcaster. She recently launched her new podcast, Elevate with Brigitte, Tune in also to get similar and more like these from her. Visit her site to learn more about what she does:

  • Why stop the things you love doing? Heartwarming tips to love

    This is a reality check. Yes, it is. This is because it is your life, you have the full responsibility for it. And so far as there is life, there is hope. It is a reality check due fact that who we are, what we like and what want to be in life. Why leave the things you love? Let assess this one slowly? What do you love in life? As humans, we have a whole lot of activities and people we show interest in. We love people around us, it can be family members, friends, and other sorts of relationships with people. It can be your hobby. We show love in our interests, we enjoy them during our leisure time. It can be reading, singing, crocheting and many other things we love. What are things you love? Previously, you did perform your loves with a happy heart, no one could stop you from doing it. In fact, the chemistry and attraction in them were high in your life. The energy exerted in your life was strong which also affected others positively. In a long run, you made others also happy. But now what do you see? You don't even love it again. It has been a long time you performed the activities you love. Can you figure out the last time you did it? Why did you stop? What is hindering you? Why have a stop? Can you assess the reasons? Here are four possible reasons which might have lead you to stop loving the things you love or cherish. Confused about what you like Most people express this dilemma due to the reason that they don't know their identity; Who they are, what they like, and dislike. They just follow the crowd especially when they hear and see that it is a trend going on, around. They intend to try it out. It is good to try things out. it goes to the worst when your energy doing that interest is not high or strong. I mean the grit behind their interest is so low but have to do it. This is one of the reasons why you have to stop utilizing your interest area. Comparism with others Comparism is a key problem in a lot of downfall on our success in life. We like comparing with others and criticizing our thought that they have to gain the same benefit as their friend or brothers or sisters. Forgetting that they are two different beings with different priorities. When you compare your progress or fall off your love area or loved ones against another indirectly you decided and opt to stop loving what you do love. You slowly stop your love in that area or person. Don't compare if you want to love what you do or the person near you. It can be a relative, husband, fiancee, fiance, or hobbies. Depressed Being depressed can push you to stop loving what you want in life. One of the symptoms of depression is feeling lonely, stopping the things you love, you close ties with people you love thus you don't want to get near them again, experience emotional downfall ( don't feel energetic to do work again). Check a professional help when you experience similar and more signs like this. Loneliness Sometimes our loved ones convince and persuade us to love certain things in life like cooking, hiking, reading books and many other social activities which bond people together and as soon loved ones stop communicating with them. They then feel they are lonely because they have cut ties with what they love and these loved ones are the very same person who motivates them to love this and that. So far as they were not near them they must stop loving the interest area shown by them. Move to a different interest People stop what they love because they want to experiment and switch to other areas too. They want to be known as a person of different interests. When they start experimenting and release they have a strong love for the new area, now focus on the area of interest or new love. Conclusion: To better identify why you have to stop loving what you use to love, with these reasons, can you assess this by yourself? If you can, just do it. Brigitte Adofo Agyapong is Business Consultant, Business Coach, and an Author. She believes dreams are achievable no matter what. She is the author of Win You: An introspective Journey of finding yourself, knowing your potentials, and harnessing them for greater heights and ultimate success. Discover more about Brigitte on her website

  • Journaling 101: How to live and manage your life with Journaling

    Have you started journaling yet? Journaling is the art of writing down your thoughts, feelings, and plans which can be used now or in the future. Most people are embracing the use of journals because it has whole a lot of benefits for the mental health and physical health of your body and apart from that, you will be able to achieve your goals in life. Would you like to start? Here is a kick-start procedure to help you with that. In a meantime, you can find the importance of using a journal here. How to start the habit of journaling today Prepare your mind Everything starts with planning, and when you want to start the habits of journaling, you will need a mindset. A mindset that you want to change your way of life in order to assist you to create a journal of any type and for different purposes. Prepare your mind for change and let it serve as an avenue to keep you on track. In the process of preparation, ask yourself these questions. 1. Why do I need a journal? 2. How will I benefit from this art 3. Will anything be a hindrance to me? Identify the type of journal you want to begin with Now, you have prepared the mind that you want to change your life and therefore a journal can help you improve life and keep track of your progress and correct the flaws. What type of journal do you need at this particular point in time? Is it a journal for goals or your projects or moods/emotions? You know what you want and why you need that journal. Let say, you want to start working on your dreams so you decided to pick a journal for your goals. Let me ask this, what is the reason why you choose this journal because there are whole a lot of journals around but you decide to pick this type of journal to start with. Know your reason, actually; you know what you want so you have to know the reasons behind your choice. Pick a day you will be using for journaling Decide on a writing plan, thus, when you want to start. Identify when you want to start, and pick a day and time which will work for you. Journals, apart from helping you solve your problems, can help you develop the habit of Journaling. This art shouldn't be a one-day affair, rather it should be a routine you can develop. You can pick the days and times of the days in the week. Let say, Mondays at 4:30 am or each day at 5:00 am. Pick dates which you can adhere to. When you feel like you are not able to adhere to these dates, you can change it. Make it flexible to suit your needs. Writing Materials You can buy your journals from any bookstores, stores, on the Amazon platform, or Esty. There is a wide range of journals you can get. Now, it is time to get some writing materials. These materials include pens, highlighters, and or sticky notes. This will help you to write and make your desired plans into the journal. Stick to your journal routine Now, you have your journal, pens, or highlighter. It is time to stick to the journal routine you plan to do. Don't plan about it and not stick to them. Discipline yourself. You know what you want, right? Okay, then stick to those plans and as I said, make it flexible and make amendments anytime you think that you need to change it and remember to stick to that. Make journaling work in your life. The painful aspect of Journaling is taking time to buy journals, plan on them and start writing them but you haven't worked on it before. A lot of people, are able to write content in their journals but don't work with it. It's a pity. The main reason for journaling is to change your way of life, and now you have started and you don't want to work with it! Remember, the reasons why you took the action to start journaling, start doing and working with it. By the time you realize, time is far gone whilst you have not done anything with the journals. " Do something new each day". Each day work on your dreams. Conclusion I am convinced you are going to work with your journals. Which type of journals do you want to start with? Meet the Author Brigitte Adofo Agyapong is An author, Business Consultant and Coach. She is the author of Win You: An Introspective Journal of Finding yourself knowing your potentials and harnessing them for greater heights. Also, she has published five journals that can help grow your life, cutting across mood journals, author journals, and project performance journals. Find more of her works :

  • 7 smart steps to plan and achieve your goals

    We have great aspirations and dreams. Dreams without actions are unachievable. Before you have to make your dreams into reality. There is a need to develop goals and then systems. We are in December, soon the year will successfully come to an end. There is a need to prepare your mind to achieve goals for next year, 2022. What are your plans for next year? What do you want to achieve? Reasons why you need to set goals Psych the mind for goal creation Why psyche the mind? Yes, it is very important in goal setting. You can also say, preparing the mind for the goal-setting process. Prepare the mind for the need and be eager to set these goals. If you prepare your mind that you are going to succeed with these goals, then definitely, you will do it. A winning mentality is already a winner. Reflect on your goals set this year Before you can continue to set goals for next year, then, there is a need to reflect on this year's goals. Introspectively assess yourself, ask yourself some questions. These questions will help you to stand on a strong point that these are my goals for next year ( 2022). what were the goals, you set for 2021? Were you able to achieve them? What were the hindrances? and which ones are still working on? If you are able to answer these, then you will have the avenue to say to yourself that then `` I have to continue the unfinished goals set in the previous for the new year goals``. Discover the hindrances and opt-in for solutions that can help you through to achieve your goals for the next year. Let say your want to start your small business at the beginning of the year so you set a goal to achieve it but unfortunately, the year is almost getting to an end but still you haven't done any planning to even start. The best option is to ask yourself these questions more especially what were the hindrances stopping you from starting your small business? Can you figure it out? Write them down; the success and failures of these goals. Why did it happen? Set your long and short term goals After successfully reflecting and assessing your goals, it is time to set goals. Most people have problems when it comes to setting their goals. They always misinterpret on both; thus, set long goals for short and vice versa. They don't know when to set long goals and short goals. Now, here is the trick, long-term goals are achievable from 3 years upwards and short-term goals are achievable in one month to 2 years. There are some goals that can be achieved even within these goals set because they are easily achieved and don't take time. Set your long and short-term goals. Group the long-term goals into one group and the short-term goals into another. Write them down. The next point is to break these goals into the system to make them work. List your workflow After each group of goals, break them down into systems of duties to make it work. Identify some of the work you will need to develop them. Let say, it is your goal to start a youtube channel for your business, thus, one of your goals for the year. Under this goal, you have to break down these goals into an action plan. These are the activities you will be doing to start and sustain your youtube channel, such as who is the channel is for, name, brand colours, and planning of the video, and many others. This is one goal. You also have a plan that these are my goals, after these goals, I will achieve this next. There should be a goal flow of your goals thus, from goal 1 to 2 to 3 and counting. Each goal should have a workflow to make it work. Identify your plan B for your goals Know your road map. Your road map consists of an alternative that can help you achieve the same goals but different direction. Set your roadmap clear and achieve them. Set aside plan B in case the main plans don't work so that in a long run these goals can be achieved. Develop a mantra to help you achieve it. Establish a list of mantras you would like to motivate and push you to work on your goals. You can also call it affirmations. These are believed words that can push your inner energy to push the willpower to take action and these are back with faith and acceptance in these words that they will work in your life. Be determined to accomplish those goals When you set these goals there is a need to develop a set of disciplines to keep the goals in an active state. Determination and perseverance are one of them. Be determined in all your dealings, persevere, and don't do anything that stops you from moving forward. Keep pushing and one day, you will definitely reach there. Conclusion: Are you ready to set your goals now? Brigitte Adofo Agyapong is an author and Business Consultant. Author of Win You: An Introspective journey of finding yourself knowing your potentials and harnessing them for greater heights and ultimate success. Discover more of Win You on Available on Amazon. Find more of her works:

  • How to plan and assess your goals fast

    Goals are important in the realization of our dreams. How will you achieve your goals? Do they have a place in your life even when you forget about them? Let's discover more. Prepare yourself As you prepare to end one chapter, you need to start a new one. Before, the beginning of 2021, you decide to achieve certain goals underlined for the next year. You planned and set a long list of goals that you would like to achieve in the next year. Some have been achieved, others are still in the process. As we are in the last quarter of the year, and the last month of the year. There is a need to prepare for other plans and milestones. Set new plans for the following year. We sometimes prepare our minds to set the new year with fresh ideas, goals, and plans to be achieved, unfortunately, not all goals are met. Oftentimes than not, we forget that we have to achieve them, and can`t even remember them until we see signs of the intended goals around us. This habit stops us from keeping track of our goals and then the time we realize a great number of years have bypassed us without achieving anything. The Project Planner for Women will help prep and prepare the mind you want to achieve a priority. Assist you to create your yearly goals and monthly goals. In fact, you will be on track in relation to goal realization. You will need a Project planner to set you to goal achievement. Record the plans Goals can never be achieved without action plans or steps. In this journal, you will be given the avenue to record all the projects you have in mind. When you have to achieve them and the time frame to be used to achieve that, do not forget the resources which can be used to achieve them. Assuming, you decided to continue your education (MBA) and you have a project planner for women with you. Grab a pen, and sit down at any place you think can give your absolute peace of mind. Record your yearly and monthly goals, now it is time to record what you have in mind, education; continue your education. MBA education is the project you have in mind, list the resources which can be used to accomplish and the suggested time you think you can complete your MBA, all written in the planner. It provides a space for the weekly project (32 weeks) so each week, you will get the chance to record something. Monitor your progress on the planner Monitoring your goals, the project is key in Project Planner for Women. This is to pave the way to track your projects such as progress, failures, and how to improve on the projects. it is good for every woman looking forward to achieving their project goals. Gives the chance for detailed information as to why the project was delayed. Great resources for dreams realization. Make assessment Project Planner for Women: 32 Weeks track of Project Performance for today`s women is a cool choice. You will make an assessment of how well your project has been after a bi-annual experience of your project, Appraise yourself as to whether you executed discipline to achieve it. Make changes as you push on through the project journey. Conclusion I will leave you with these questions. Do you have any projects in mind? How well do you execute them? Achieve your project with this journal or Planner. Brigitte Adofo Agyapong is an Author, Business Coach, and Business Consulting with a specialty in Brands and Strategy. She is the author of Win You: An Introspective Journey of Finding yourself, knowing your potentials, and harnessing them for greater heights and ultimate Success. Find more of her books, projects via you can also follow her on Instagram:

  • Upgrade your life and succeed with this book

    This is important for me and I know it will be for you too. There is a need to upgrade your life and succeed. A resource for your personal growth and development. Lead with Purpose, grow in determination and tranquility. Above all shape lives too A new book is added to the library of books, the author has for the book or reading community titled The Search Workbook: 8 Master Keys to Unfold life`s purpose and achieve its desired success and meaning. It's great to have a new book on board! Let walkthrough. How this book idea started? It was simple and easy for me, unlike my debut book where I experience some level of doubt and imposter syndrome because I had elevated and made doubt under control. When the Idea flowed to me that people around me, fans, and readers are still facing the problem of purpose and meaning in life. An idea comes to mind to help and guide them to find and follow their purpose. Learn the process I used here. WHY THE SEARCH WORKBOOK #1: It will help you achieve the purpose you need The sole purpose of this book is to guide you to achieve your purpose in life. The purpose is a big thing that shouldn't be underestimated in our lives. It should be sought, followed, and used for the greater benefit of our society. This book is a guide to help you find it by providing you with questionnaires and frameworks; You read as you fill. The main brain behind the book is to make purpose part of your life of introspectively writing down your thought, reflections, and abilities. #2: Easily to digest into your mind and life One of the main motives of The Search Workbook is to make reading easier and more consumed in our lives faster. It will take up to 45 minutes to an hour to finish reading this book. #3: Stress-free Content Due to the pressure to make it in life, People get themselves into the pot of depression rather than the pot of purpose. Follows the pressures of life and lead themselves into a different path of life. The Search Workbook: 8 Master keys to unfold life`s purpose and achieve its desired success and meaning will encourage and inform you that it is never a rush moment but a step-by-step journey to find and follow your purpose. The surprise This book has more surprise install for you. Since it is on purpose and meaning of life and the main motive is to help people around the globe seek their purpose. This time, the book is going wide, thus it is published on different platforms including Amazon, Apple Books, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Vivlio, and other digital libraries. The author has provided other resources you can gain from the book such as A-30 day work plan to find your purpose, goal-setting workable, the First chapter of the book, and many more. Click here to access the resources and downloadable Brigitte Adofo Agyapong is an Author and a Management Consultant in Brands and Strategy. She loves writing and advising people; clients, fans, and friends on their personal and business development. She is the author of Win You: An introspective Journey of finding yourself, knowing your potentials and harnessing them for greater heights and ultimate purpose Find out more about her

  • 3 Podcast Episodes to improve and change how you set and implement goals in life

    Are you a Podcast lover? Would like to listen to self improvement podcasts that will convince and move you to make an action in your life? Are you into goals? Have you set goals? Would you like to improve on it? Then, this article will help you out with the podcast episodes that can improve your life. How do you set and utilize or implement these goals you have set? Do goals really work? Yes, If you have ever asked this question to yourself over and over again. I would love to tell you that goals really work. We are in another year, a new year. It is a time of the year we set goals, countable number of goals we are daring to achieve. We make new year resolutions hoping it going to work but there are a lot of instances where we let hindrances and certain habit stops us. Sincerely, there are instances we set goals and never work on them because we believe that when we set them, it will manifest and materialize in life our lives. “ A goal without an action plan and system to make it work is just mere goals “ We have a notion that “build it they will come” in a situation that implies when we create these goals we will achieve it because we have created the goals, but with goal setting and its implementation, it is the opposite. There is a need to set, develop systems to make it work. The information I have for you will help you out. Reasons why our goals fails to be successful Mere Goals We are found in a society where goals setting is a necessity. We feel we have to set goals because our friends or family might ask us what our goals are and in order to be found in a state of not providing tangible goals. We tell them that we are going to achieve this and that without knowing why we need that and how we are going to let that come true. We say it because it just dropped in the mind just to say it. We know nothing about these goals. Mere Goals is one of the failures people face regarding goal setting and implementation. This problem we experience with goal setting affect us from making it into a reality. We never touch it or can recollect the goals we set. Too much of Big goals Goals without plans is just a wish. In the positivity world where we say positive things in life, dream big because when positive things goes into our mind, body it will yield positive, pushing us to manifest and set big goals. All these positivity, dream big, manifestation is a good thing which can drive our lives but we confuse ourselves. There is a difference between dreaming big and setting realistics goals. We mix long term goals for short term goals. The goals we would want to achieve in the next 3 to 5 years we put them on our year deadlines, meaning we want to achieve a long goals in a short pace which never allow us to attain goals. It’s too big to achieve them because the confusion we place for ourselves to achieve too much of our big goals. We are never ready for our goals The mind is everything in whatever we do. We need it to do alot of these things in life. Your readiness count when you want to set goals, it is all about preparing the mind that any goals you set works. Preparing the mind means you are ready to adapt to changes. When your goals or plans are not working there is a need to change your goal to suit your dreams, some people believe in the magical attainment of goals, they feel they don’t need it because everything is okay for them, why should they set these goals because they don’t see the need. It doesn’t matter if goals are working for you if things are moving on smoothly for you or not but to help you to be focused, develop directions to achieve your dreams. Your readiness; readiness of the mind counts. Your readiness means you are preparing the mind for greatness and the readiness to achieve your dreams. If you have dreams you want to realize in life, then need to set goals, prepare a system to make it work. Failure to develop a deep connection with goals You don’t need to set goals because you have to set goals, some people fail due to the fact that they lack the connection with their goals. Comparism, doubt and fear can push people not be attached with the connection they have for their goals because the experience they have had in the society. This comes in when we want to implement our goals, there is nothing to keep us moving even when challenges hit hard not to work on our target. We need the connection to keep up with the implementation of goals set. The drive of setting that particular aim is missing in us because we are focused on what others are doing, what they are saying about big goals therefore we push our thoughts to these goals leading us to set unrealistic without the drive to keep us going even when circumstances hit, we feel we have to stop because the connection or feeling attached to that goal is out from us . Commitment The fear of failure holds a mass number of personalities from engaging in setting goal and setting deadlines to meet them. The fear factor if I might say, there is fear of ‘ what if I fail’ therefore they don’t set goals to implement them. They have heard stories of goal setters who had high hopes of their goals and never materialized them therefore they might waste one of the most treasured resource, time on goal setting and its implementation. A perfect resource to turn the problems you face with goals to big wins. Though, you might be faced with alot of hindrances like the above points, to stop you from achieving your big dreams. Here are 3 podcast episodes that can upgrade and improve your goals and change your life to the better, all on Elevate with Brigitte Podcast Show. Reflect on your Goals This episode will take you on the essence why you must reflect on the goals you set in the previous year, paves the way for your success and flaws and takes you on a journey to reflect and set goals for the maximum success you need in your life or anything that matters to you. With this episode, all you need is a ready mindset which is ready to learn and apply it in your daily life. In addition a resource is available to help you reflect on your goals here . Discover the hindrances that might stop you from achieving these goals. There are a lot of hindrances and challenges that often affect how we see goals and use them. This put us in a state of "never work on these goals" because of different problems we might think or seen pushing us not to work on them. This episode will show the different type of hindrances that affect us and the different types of people who allow challenges to struck them hard never to opt for goal setting or its implementation, in fact it is out of their dictionary or daily activity they do. This episode will help you know your stances and help yourself with the solution all in one episode. How to develop a deep connection with your goals This is one of the episode on the show that solves the problem of people not developing a connection, a feeling for their goals. The episode will teach you how to develop a deep connection with your goals because this is going to help you implement your goals. A little thing about the Podcast Show, Elevate with Brigitte Podcast show Elevate with Brigitte Podcast Show is a self improvement and educational Podcast by Brigitte Adofo Agyapong, purposely for individuals who want to learn more to grow themselves. It is a perfect place for people who want to be inspired and get the motivation they want to push, higher into the light. It serves as a learning place to help them out. Areas the Podcast show highlight on are:- • Motivation and dream actualization • Emotions • Writing and Therapy • Daily practice of life • Goal setting Elevate with Brigitte is available on Spotify, Google Podcast, Amazon Music, Audible, Stitcher, Podvine, TuneIn, RadioPublic, Pocketcast, Player fm and can be streamed on my website Would you want to achieve your goals ? I would like to read your response on it.

  • 7 Questions to ask yourself when you want to find and discover your purpose in life

    Finding your purpose and living a purposeful life is one of the priority, I would like to recommend to you if you are on soul searching path and looking forward to a meaningful life. There are questions you can ask yourself, if you want to find meaning, seek your purpose and live the life you want. Each year, we set a lot of aspirations and goals we want to achieve for ourselves. Sincerely, not all of these priorities of ours are achieved. Sometimes we just say it, write it down in our journals or notebooks but never try to work on them. Other times, we start working on our dreams; initiate them by setting goals suddenly this happen to us, we are stucked not to work on them again, pushing us to pause on our dreams. One of the mechanism to overcome this experience is to find your purpose. I guess, you have heard the word “ purpose”, “find your purpose” many times of your life. Most experts, preachers, authors and coaches and many other experts, always recommend the practice of finding your true calling. The noise as others might say, is too much to bear, but truth being told, what they spell out to help you find and follow your purpose is absolutely true. Purpose is important in life if you want to attain the meaning and live a successful life. It is worth gold. “ Lead with purpose, Grow in determination and tranquility. Above all shape lives too.- This is a quote inside The Search Workbook. Why should you find your purpose. Wondering the essence of finding your purpose in life. Here are 5 reasons why you find your purpose and meaning of life. Purpose is a motive we live life for There are reasons why we do certain things in life. The reasons why we work, sleep, eat and do other priorities of ours, therefore seeking purpose and working in line with it, is essential to live life for. We need it to motivate ourselves, and exist in life. With purpose, you know where you are going and when you should be at a particular place and point in life. When the bellows of life hit, you will know how to react, resist and overcome all of them because you know your existence in life. When others are succeeding on the elevation ladder of life you know why you exist and your exact time of your elevation will surely come. What do you live life for? Purpose paves the way to direct your path in life Like the first point on 'why you must find your purpose in life'. Finding and following your purpose is like a driver travelling to a far land but he has one problem, he doesn't know where he is going and how he is going to reach there, the positive thing on his journey is that he has a map to direct him to his destination. Life is full of ups and downs, the journey is undefined but with the help of working with purpose which is a map in the scenario will direct you (the driver) reach your destination because you found it and used it for life. Purpose pave the way to lead you to the right place. Using digital maps, sometimes you are directed to use the road with less traffic jam or no traffic jam when you know nothing about your route. Our purpose keeps us going, and shows where you can take to live a meaningful life. Purpose bring you absolute peace of mind You will receive the peace of mind when you work on your purpose because for the first time you will experience that the flow of peace is felt in your being that you are working with it to help yourself, and other too. Purpose is not selfish. Someone's purpose is to share the message of hope to the broken hearts to help them be relieved from the pain and believe in life again. Doing this, makes the person feels good and fulfilled. Working with your purpose is all about service to others not yourself, doing this act will help the desire of your true calling and reason why you live life for materialized. Brings happiness to your being Are you seeking happiness? Wondering if happiness can be possible in your life, this is what I have for you, find your purpose and follow it, work in line with it to bring smiles to other people faces and your face. Purpose is all about impact and the legacy worthy living for. When you are able to identify your true calling why you exist life for, you will always be eager to help others to be happy, their smiles can make you happy because you greatly feel that an impact is done in a beautiful soul which you did. You did a great job in the lives of people therefore happiness comes to you. All these reasons are all good, but the decision to act depends on you. Listen to episode 43 and 44 on Elevate with Brigitte to learn more on how to follow your purpose and impact others. It can be listened on Spotify, Amazon Music, Stitcher or Radio Public. View more of the listen apps here Here are 7 key questions to ask yourself. You can use to reflect life which can help you find your purpose. Questions to ask yourself when you want to find it:- What am I searching for ? This question helps you harness the core reason why you seek certain things in life. With this, consider delving deep on why you are searching on things in life. Do I know my meaning of life? Know your meaning in life, how you see life? Do you see life as it is or a whole different thing? What is my meaning in life? with this, you need to ask yourself, your general view regarding the meaning of life. How do you see meaningful life? is it the ever smooth path or smooth-rough experience? Is it a life with challenges and meaningful? Have I achieve my purpose in life? Ask yourself this question whether your purpose is found, continue to ask why it is not found yet in your life. Why do I need my purpose? Answer this sincerely, because when you do it. This will allow you to seek your reason why you are here on earth. How do I define life? Identify your definition for life, introspect what life is worth. What makes me happy? Discover all the things that will make you happy in life. Before this can be fulfilled you have to define what is happiness to you. Download the 30 day Workplan Introspect deeper on these questions, don't see it as mere questions, see it as questions to help you find your purposeful life. Find more questions on how to find and follow your purpose inside The search workbook. This is a book filled with questions and guides to help you seek life and find meaning. It is a journey to help you out. Can anything stop me from working on my purpose? This message will be profitable in your life when you read and start reflecting on them.

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